When thinking about this blog I googled this iconic 1960’s song because it seemed to be relevant for today. It turns out Bob Dylan thought so too. He has written a 2018 version. Lately, I’ve been working with my friend
Minimum Wage Rates 2016
In 1914 Henry Ford, a known anti-socialist, anti-union industrialist did the unthinkable. Henry doubled the wages paid to his auto manufacturing company employees. Henry Ford did that for two reasons: turnover was a problem in the industry and he needed to increase
The Talent Era
There are more than 50 million articles that include Talent in their search terms according to Google. The articles include definitions and information about attracting, retaining and rewarding and, of course, the importance of engagement in maximizing the contribution Talent makes to organizational
Remote Work and Productivity
In December a Financial Post Workplace Law column on Absenteeism indicated that Working From Home, Smoke Breaks and Stress Leave were, in the opinion of the writer, the three leading causes of lost productivity in 2015. Having Working From Home on that