My best estimate is about 3.6 million ghosts in the void between Canada’s Labour Force and the Labour Force Participation Rate. They are the not still-in-school, retired, employed and unemployed members of the Labour Force. If we assume that 50%
I’m Worth More Than This
That comment has been made so often in my HR career when people are frustrated with the amount of their pay or pay raises. My response is always “of course YOU are worth more”. The pay for this job is
Alligators and Alienation
The following visual comparison of average weekly wages and CPI (proxy for cost of living) instantly made me think of “when you are up to your ass in alligators it is hard to remember ….” The differences in wages as
Which Industries Pay Best?
Statistics Canada tracks the average weekly wage for Canada, the provinces, and territories. The data is tracked by Sector (Goods Producing and Services Producing) and by Industry using the North American Industry Classification System. The average weekly wages for Goods
Canada’s Labour Force Participation
Canada’s labour force includes everyone who is 15 years of age and older. Labour force participants are individuals who are employed or on EI and are actively seeking employment. The major factors affecting Labour Force participation are economic conditions, the
Labour Force Information for August 2019
The August data was released September 6. Unemployment in Alberta is up 7.2% ( 7.0% July and 6.6% in June) for the third consecutive month and remains higher than it was last year over the summer months (2018 – August
Labour Force Information
Every month the Federal and Provincial Governments provide information about the employment and unemployment statistics, average weekly wage, and job vacancies along with a variety of other economic data. The monthly Labour Force Statistics provide month over month and year
Private Sector Job Openings
Statistics Canada released their Job Vacancy Change Survey for Q1 2019 as compared to Q1 2018 in June. The Job Vacancy Rate is determined by the presence of three specific factors: There is a specific job; The work could start
Job Vacancies in Alberta
The Job Vacancy Rate is determined by the presence of three specific factors: There is a specific job; The work could start within 30 days, and; The employer is actively seeking employees from outside the company. Statistics Canada maintains longer-term
Mystique of Culture
Canadian culture is frequently seen in comparison to the US. It is described as a more polite version of the American culture due to our penchant for saying I’m sorry, having some oddities to our language including the use of